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is anyone actually here to meet people?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: is anyone actually here to meet people?

Have any of you actually connected, spoken, become friends, lovers, anything. has anybody had any sort of success on here? See, I'm starting to think that this place is just a placebo. something we use to convince ourselves that we are putting in an effort.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`the pole was much better, with 30 some odd options to choose from but the site would only allow so many choices. i recommend filling in the blank.

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August 20, 2010
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`I liked the vampire one lol

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I think the poll speaks for itself

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I'm kinda thinkin' it's like what was said in the original post, -doesn't seem to be anything really happening at all... -I'd like to be proved wrong about this, though!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Given that the vegan and vegetarian chatrooms are virtually empty except for me seems to indicate that people here aren't really looking to connect with other veggie eaters. What few vegans/vegetarians I've seen chatting go into the lobby and mingle and flirt with the meat eaters, ugh! Anyway, if you want to chat I'm often hanging around by myself in the vegan, vegetarian, or pets chatrooms.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`This is a good point(are we the only ones here)I am quite new to vegan passions and when i discovered it i was overwhelmed to think i may possibly be able to connect with other vegans and also i was really impressed by the depth of content on the site.
Where i live there are few vegan people and i had hoped to find a lot but as u say it seems kinda empty on here.I guess people tend to just sub then not bother,i see most have added no friends,im guessing this is due to nerves maybe?i say this as i am always a bit cautious to add in case they dont wanna know,who knows,but rest assured u aint the only one here hahhaha yes it seems that way i know,i tried a chatroom today it had seven people in it.

Still,lets remember vegans are one of natures miracles,we are few and far between and when u find another its always a godsend.
Great poll by the way!!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hmm, I don't know how many people are (since I don't know any and am new mysleff) but as far as the chatrooms go I don't have internet access at home just on my smartphone and it doesn't have the memory capacity to do chatrooms. As for feeling like nobodys on I year you. I sent a few friend requests since I'm looking for love but nobodys replied back. =[ I'm also a vegan in training and after reading some of the forum posts I'm sorry to say that some of the vegan community has seen my profile but won't talk to me because im still in limbo and don't always have the $ to replace all my clothing straight away. (Believe me i checked my profile and i had quite a few from the vegan passions who viewed me.) not sure what to think on the website.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi, I'm new on here too, just went to the chatroom and the only one there! The world needs more vegans!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I've added you both as friends And saucypup, you are not far from me in beautiful England...we have a vegan meet up group in manchester - rarely get to go, but a good bunch of people. Nothing near you like that?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: hello!!!

ladypagan wrote: `Hmm, I don't know how many people are (since I don't know any and am new mysleff) but as far as the chatrooms go I don't have internet access at home just on my smartphone and it doesn't have the memory capacity to do chatrooms. As for feeling like nobodys on I year you. I sent a few friend requests since I'm looking for love but nobodys replied back. =[ I'm also a vegan in training and after reading some of the forum posts I'm sorry to say that some of the vegan community has seen my profile but won't talk to me because im still in limbo and don't always have the $ to replace all my clothing straight away. (Believe me i checked my profile and i had quite a few from the vegan passions who viewed me.) not sure what to think on the website.

Hi there,were u replying to me?sorry it never told me, i found it by accident...i am just on my way 2 bed as its nearly 1 am and i have flu and have been working all week and today so am whacked but i would love 2 maybe chat sometime if u want?Thanks for replying anyway,thats nice.As for u trying to be vegan,believe me,u are doing well.Its too easy to preach and claim to be 'fully vegan',whatever that is but u can gaurantee most of these people dont even know what is and what isnt 'animal friendly.So long as u r trying then u are more than doing your share so dont worry.I am a vegan too but i kinda struggle with cash so i have to get by,but u can only blame yourself for so much.anyway,see u soon,dont worry about being lonely,i have been trying dating sites 4 ages and i cant seem to fob anyone off with me 4 trying ,its really getting me down,masybe we will cheer each other up?xxx chris
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: hiya!!

alwaysevolving wrote: `I've added you both as friends And saucypup, you are not far from me in beautiful England...we have a vegan meet up group in manchester - rarely get to go, but a good bunch of people. Nothing near you like that?

Hi,just got your reply,thanx..its great 2 hear from u,i will look at your profile asap and add u,i have flu at the mo and my heads feels ready to explode so gonna go 2 bed xxx Manchester is kinda far for me 2 travel regular,there isnt anything really in stoke,its a bit behind the times haha...If i get the cash i want to open a vegan resteraunt,there used to be a vegetarian restaraunt but it closed years ago,so u are kinda stuck with the dreaded 'veggie option' if u go out to dine.bummer.i am a member of animal aid, we do fundraising and protests and we held a vegan fair recently which was cool but i dont get much time since i started work again recently.Well,i must say i am over the moon to have 2,yes 2 replys(i think they were both to me!!or i hope!) i feel so poular,or maybe i shud get out more xxx speak soon chris,nite
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September 30, 2011
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Looking to Chat
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I'm new here, and I was looking for people to talk to. People like me that love animals and hold animal rights and veganism close to their hearts. :)

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April 16, 2006
Posts: 6

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`i am here to meet vegans although i havent met one from here yet. I am new to the site vegan passions. Is there anyone in here who is good at organising things? We all need someone who can organise a meet up or a party where all vegans and vegetarians can meet up in a pub or club somewhere for a drink and then we can all chat and make new friends

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November 14, 2012
Posts: 3

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`Same with me. I joined this page and thought: woooow I will finally have a vegan soulmate, it must be so great when you can talk for hours and agree with each other.
But i see no one is actually active and the chatroom is practically empty. Oh and another thing about this chatroom. I noticed that noone is patient. I mean.. I can't answer to everybody at the same time. And I thought vegans are passionate and patient and peaceful people.
If I didn't reply in 2minutes everyone left the conversation :/ just great

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